Looks | Opposites

7:20 PM

 It's raining lately and I thank heavens for it. I missed rain so much. I was hoping for it to land. I love rain as much as I love the sun isn't it weird to like both opposite things? but it's like black and white, lazy and productive, good and bad and everything else follows. I love opposites. My point is, we miss what is missing. We crave on the opposite as to what we feel right now. We have to embrace it and learn to enjoy it at the moment. Even it kills us, we have to endure it and hope for better days coming. Stop complaining and start living.

Cardigan from sister | Pants are DIY | Cami top from Silence and Noise | Creepers from People Are People | Shades from Sunnies by Charlie | Cap from Daiso

what am I laughing at
XX, Jenice. 

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